Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital Heart Disease - After the previous article we discussed what and how it is rheumatic heart disease, then this article will discuss other cardiac abnormalities that congenital heart disease.

Congenital heart disease is a disorder or the formation of the heart or great vessels near Cardiac. Talking about the time but not the cause. It means "born with" or "present at birth". Congenital heart diseases are caused by a crack or leak in the atrial septum, a result is a number of oxygenated blood from the left atrium to flow through the gap in right atrial septum, so that mixed oxygen-poor blood and increases the amount of blood flow to the lungs.

Congenital heart disease can be found or may occur in 1% or the 8 births 1000 births suffer from congenital heart disease. Although all types of CHD is present at birth and therefore had or birth, only a few known cases of CHD or prior to birth. CHD diagnosis is made when one week old baby consistute
Congenital Heart Disease
40-50% of the cases. And approximately 50-60% of all cases diagnosed in the newborn period.

If a large ASD hole damage then the only healing technique should perform the operation. If patients with congenital heart disease cases ASD do not do surgery then,

will have an impact:

1. Patients will feel very unusual pain complaints as symptoms of chest tightness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations.

2. Child's immune system is weak and child development will decrease. She was thinner, the weight is not balanced with kids his age. Therefore, the patient is constantly exposed to fever, runny nose and cough. If the patient's fever continued, the team Cardiologist suggested that these patients do surgery immediately.

3. If the weight of the stage, then the patient will be exposed to the pressure in the lungs, so that patients will be more trouble breathing, heart failure.

Heart Failure

Heart Failure
Heart failure - Maybe you often hear the term heart failure than coronary heart disease and rheumatic heart disease. In previous articles have discussed the two cardiac abnormalities, whereas in this article I will discuss about heart failure.
Heart failure is a condition that occurs when the heart fails to pump blood in sufficient amount to meet the metabolic needs. Heart failure is a medical emergency that if left untreated will lead to death within a few minutes.The first treatment for heart failure is a major cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
More than 20 million patients in the world suffer from heart failure. Heart failure can increase 10-20% by age 35 years. Precipitating factors of heart failure are abnormalities in the heart that is not treated immediately, causing the inability of the heart to pump blood throughout our bodies.
Classification of heart failure can be divided based on their position, such as left or right heart failure. Heart failure due to systolic or diastolic disorder, systolic dysfunction can occur due to myocardial infarction, and a cardiomyopathy, a disorder of the heart is unable to pump blood optimally to meet the needs of the body's metabolism. diastolic dysfunction may occur Due valve abnormalities, for example, is mitralstenosis.Low output heart failure, caused by blood being pumped out of the heart does not meet the metabolic needs of the body, while the high-output heart failure is a state of anemia, although the volume of blood that the heart pumped present in sufficient numbers, but because of the high metabolic needs, substances carried by blood is still not sufficient.
Patients with heart failure are usually crowded, tiredness, sweating a lot, although not heavy activity, awake at night because of tightness, chest pain as the initial complaint, daerahkaki swelling, discomfort in the right upper abdomen.
Checks can be performed in patients with heart failure is to perform laboratory tests, whereas treatment using medical therapy is diuretics, beta blockers and gift giving inotropic agents.

Hypertensive Heart Disease

Hypertensive Heart Disease
Hypertensive Heart Disease | For you have high blood pressure or who have a history of hypertension, it is necessary to be vigilant because the disease can progress to the world's No. 1 killer heart disease or in the medical world can be regarded as hypertensive heart disease.

Hypertensive heart disease is heart disease caused by the blood pressure or hypertension and is accompanied by metabolic abnormalities that accompany. Increase in systemic blood press can increase the resistance of blood pumped from the left ventricle, which can lead to left ventricular hypertrophy and aggravate the heart. Hypertension forces the heart to pump blood to the conditions or circumstances in which the blood vessels tighten and shrink so automatically your heart work harder. If that happens there will be heart failure where the heart muscle becomes weak and unable to pump blood throughout the body.

Symptoms in case of hypertensive heart disease and some swelling is uncomfortable circumstances at heart. Patients with hypertensive heart disease will experience shortness of breath when walking. Hypertensive heart disease can occur purely due to hypertension or abnormalities can also occur in the heart.

Changing lifestyles and eating habits are necessary to prevent the occurrence of hypertensive heart disease. Therapy treatment can also be done, but only can be done to prevent hypertension or an increase in systemic blood pressure. If you have hypertension then you can reduce salt intake because salt can increase hypertension.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary Heart DiseaseCoronary Heart Disease | In the previous article we discussed about rheumatic heart disease and congenital heart disease. In this article we will discuss about the coronary heart disease. Maybe some of you have never heard of coronary heart disease, in order to more clearly let us discuss in more detail about this disease.

Coronary arteries are blood vessels that serve the heart feed the heart cells. Coronary heart disease occurs when the coronary arteries are blocked or narrowed due to fatty deposits, which gradually accumulate in the arterial wall. In Indonesia, coronary heart disease is the third leading cause of death each year and the number of patients with coronary heart disease growing.

Characteristics or symptoms of heart disease can only be felt when there is a sudden attack. Medical world claims that this sudden attack was the culmination of the damage that has lasted so long. The characteristics of this disease include:

  1. Angina is an uncomfortable feeling in the chest, it is usually associated with a person's emotional level.
  2.  Chest pain may radiate from near the solar plexus to the jaw and left arm. Sometimes on who has acute angina, coronary heart disease easily sweating, nausea, and vomiting.
  3. Myocardial infarction the death of heart muscle. If myocardial infarction occurs, symptoms are severe chest pain, easy sweating, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness up. But these traits usually occurs if you have severe coronary heart disease

We can prevent coronary heart disease by avoiding stress, chronic stress can lead to increased hormone adrenaline which in large quantities can be for the body of free radicals. Keep an eye on blood pressure regularly. High blood pressure can accelerate the onset of vascular ulcers, because of high blood pressure makes the blood flow faster so that there was friction between the two grains pressure blood vessels and blood vessel walls.