Friday, August 23, 2013

Fruit Benefits For Heart Health

Fruit Benefits For Heart Health

 Fruit benefits for heart health- In previous articles have discussed article about tips for heart health. Heart disease caused by the increase of LDL and high blood pressure, heart disease commonly experienced by people who are elderly.

In the modern era like now heart disease is no longer of age, young children and even toddlers can be affected by this heart disease. In the previous article explained that the tips on maintaining a healthy heart diet is to maintain and often consume fruit. In this article will discuss the health benefits of fruit for the heart.

Fruits include:

1. Bananas

Who does not know bananas, from the low to the high class economy may never eat the fruit. In Japan alone the state fruit is one of the favorites. Did you know that bananas can prevent heart disease, because bananas contain magnesium and potassium which can reduce hypertension.

2. Grapefruit

The next fruit that can prevent heart disease namely grapefruit. Grapefruit contains vitamin C, potassium, calcium and flavonoids. Calcium is also useful to reduce blood pressure.

3. Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit contains vitamin C and E, fiber and magnesium. Vitamin E functions as an anti-oxidant that serve to reduce the level of bad cholesterol aka LDL oxidation.

4. Apple

This fruit is usually widely grown cold in the city of Malang in East Java, who does not know Malang apples ... surely all know. Flavonoid content in apples is useful in improving the content of flavonoids in apples useful in improving cardiovascular health by reducing the adhesion of platelets in the arteries, lower cholesterol and dilate the arteries. heart health by reducing the adhesion of platelets in the arteries, lower cholesterol and dilate the arteries.

Fruit Benefits For Heart Health5. Strawberry and blue berry fruit

The last fruit that can prevent heart disease is the strawberry and blue berry fruit. Various berry fruit contains vitamin C, folic acid, fiber and manganese and potassium.

That was some kind of fruit yang.dapat prevent heart disease, but only by eating the fruit alone is not enough help, lifestyle or life style also greatly affect this disease.

Heart Muscle Disease

Heart Muscle Disease 
Heart muscle disease- Heart organ is an organ in the human body often have problems or disorders. This causes the heart can not work optimally and as it should be. If cardiac trouble then the other organs will also have problems. In this article will discuss heart disease.
Cardiomyopathy or heart muscle disease has three types: hipertrofil cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy and restrictive cardiomyopathy. Abnormalities in the heart muscle are most often found in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy bleary-eyed.

Dilated heart muscle disease is a condition in which the heart muscle condition that the normal original turn into corrupted causing weakness of the walls of blood vessels in the heart chamber. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which is a genetic disorder in which there is excessive growth of cells in the heart muscle within the heart chambers. This situation led to the occurrence of arrhythmias of the heart.

Rekstriktif cardiomyopathy is a disorder of the heart muscle that rarely happens. Rektriktif heart muscle disease is a state of the heart muscle is infiltrated and made ​​rigid by abnormal cells, protein and tissue slice.

Cause of the number of patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy is caused by high alcohol consumption. Alcohol merupkan toxic to the heart muscle, and can directly damage heart cells.
yopathy is a disorder of the heart muscle that causes weakening of the heart muscle is unable to pump blood anymore. If the heart is no longer able to pump blood to meet the body's needs, there will be a condition of heart failure. There are sources that state that cardiopathy or heart muscle disease can be reduced, that is, if the parents have this heart defect then it is possible to decrease the child.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Type Of Heart Disease

Type Of Heart Disease

Type of heart disease- Heart disease is a disease that refers to disorders of the heart and blood vessel abnormalities in the system. In this article will discuss the types of heart disease. Type many kinds of heart disease and it is possible if the sufferer can suffer more than one type of heart disease.

Types of heart disease include:

1. Congenital heart disease.

Congenital heart disease is a disorder of the heart that occurs at birth. This heart defect can be leakage of the heart and the hole in the heart organ.

2. Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease occurs due to the accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall which causes blockage of blood flow and that will lead to the heart. Usually people with coronary heart will feel chest pain that radiates to the left arm to the neck.

3. Rheumatic heart disease.
Rheumatic heart disease is caused by streptococcus bacteria that cause damage to the heart valves by rheumatic fever.

4. Pericarditis

Pericarditis can be defined as an inflammation of the heart. This inflammation can occur because of two things namely the presence of viral infections and radiation therapy in patients with breast cancer. The disease is characterized by symptoms of shortness of breath and fatigue because the heart organ is not normal anymore.

5. Arrhythmia

Arrhythmias are abnormalities in heart rhythm. Heart rhythm could be faster, slower or even irregular. Arrhythmias occur due to blockage of blood vessels and the lack of calcium in the body.
6. Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy can be interpreted as an abnormality of the heart muscle. As a result of this disorder so the heart can not pump blood to swell up throughout the body.

Actually there are many other types of heart disease. But that Palin often happens is kind of heart disease that has been described above. Keep your diet and your lifestyle so that spared from heart disease. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thyroid Heart Disease

Thyroid Heart Disease
Thyroid Heart Disease
Thyroid heart disease-  Heart disease has been well known in the community as the No. 1 killer feared by the public. In previous articles I have discussed about coronary heart disease and rheumatic heart disease so in this article I will discuss about other cardiac abnormalities in the thyroid heart disease.

Heart disease is a thyroid abnormalities in the heart that is caused by a disturbance in the thyroid gland or thyroid disease caused by. Thyroid heart disease is generally derived from the plaque that sticks to the walls of blood vessels and lodged in the walls of blood capillaries narrower causing blockage of blood flow. Thyroid hormone secretion is regulated by a feedback mechanism that works specifically in the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary.

Thyroid heart disease is caused by an increase in excess of thyroid hormones that can improve the performance of activities, matabolisme, chronotropic and intropik work of veins. When the body is unable to produce thyroid hornon needed by the body thyroid disease will emerge. When the hyperactive thyroid gland release of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream would be too much and will result in hyperthyroidism.

Perhaps for some thyroid disorders is considered as trivial, but there are some patients have to consult your doctor often and in the end they will not know that the patient is suffering from hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or lumps in the thyroid.

Symptoms vary the thyroid heart started pounding of the heart that often and those that undergo significant changes in body weight. The following are signs or symptoms that may arise from the thyroid heart disease heart enlargement, tachycardia, irregular heart rhythm, capillary pulsation in fingertips and occasional noisy systolic.

Heart disease can be prevented if the thyroid is not the cause of congenital or complications of a treatment.

The following are tips to prevent heart disease thyroid:

1. Consuming fruits and vegetables

2. Exercise regularly

3. Losing weight

4. Quit smoking.

Heart Disease In Pregnancy

Heart Disease In PregnancyHeart disease in pregnancy- Heart disease is a dangerous disease if occuri while pregnant. Heart disease is the leading cause of maternal death. In this article will discuss heart disease in pregnancy. Pregnancy is a condition in desire by every woman, but what would happen if heart disease suffered by pregnant women.

Fetus needs oxygen and nutrients will last and grow while the fetus is in the w

Two weeks after giving birth is a period of adjustment for plasma volume returned to pre-pregnancy state. Abnormal heart conditions that will easily adapt to the situation, but the situation would be different if the condition of the heart is sick. Heart disease in pregnancy can lead to preterm labor and fetal growth retardation in the womb. Risks to the mother and fetus need to watch out if menglami cyanotic heart disease and poor functional capacity.

Heart patients should consult a doctor before deciding to become pregnant. Patients with Eisenmenger's syndrome is absolutely not recommended for pregnant because it can threaten the safety of the mother and fetus. Perform regular checks during pregnancy because pregnant women should always be in the monitoring of health workers during pregnancy.

Symptoms in patients with heart disease in pregnancy are the symptoms and signs commonly encountered is severe orthopnea, dispnew, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, chest pain bagin, chronic cough and old, hemoptysis, clubbing and cyanosis, persistent edema in the upper extremities and below, increased blood flow in the jugular vein, heart sound harsh or difficult to hear.
omb is filled with maternal blood. At the time of pregnancy, the heart must work harder to pump the heart and circulate throughout the body including the blood flow to the fetus to meet fetal needs. This condition caused a change in the cardiovascular system during pregnancy is still in the physiological limits. Changes in the cardiovascular system is mainly caused by the enlarged uterus pressing on the diaphragm, causing the heart's blood vessels become larger and more curved.

Congestive Heart Disease

Congestive Heart DiseaseCongestive heart disease- Congestive heart disease is a symptom of a complete heart. Patients with congestive heart disease often have complaints that can interfere with daily activities. This situation makes the patient should rest more and reduce the daily routine.

Congestive heart disease is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood to tissue metabolism or ability if only there was an increase in volume siatolik. Congestive heart disease caused by impaired ability konteraktilitas heart, causing cardiac output is lower than normal cardiac output.

Classification of congestive heart disease consists of:

1. Congestive heart disease left

This heart disease occurs in the left ventricle, a condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood coming from the lungs. Increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation causes fluid pushed into the lungs.

2. Congestive heart disease Right

Heart disease is due to the right ventricle is unable to pump blood. This happens due to the right side of the heart is not able to adequately clear the blood volume so the heart is not able to accommodate all normal blood back from the venous circulation.

Congestive heart disease can be given treatment to prevent the severity of the general work of the heart and can also do the clinical manifestations of the three originators causes of congestive heart disease. Excessive restriction of physical activity is an action that needs to be done early to prevent congestive heart disease.

Leaky Heart Disease

Leaky Heart Disease
leaky heart disease- Various types of heart disease that exist, one of which was leaking heart disease. In the previous article explained that heart diseases are very harmful to the body can even shorten your life. Leaky heart disease is a condition in which there is a hole in the heart of Area due to structural abnormalities of the heart. Leaky heart disease is usually a congenital abnormality. Because it is a congenital abnormality, congenital heart disease the patient is a child. Leaky heart disease is quite high, of the data found that 9 of the 1000 birth of a baby suffering from leaky heart disease.

The occurrence of heart disease occurs when the leak is the process of conception or fertilization during pregnancy. Infant heart should have been perfect when the baby is still in the womb the first 3 months, but in patients with heart disease do not leak so. The heart consists of four valves which each valve separate the impure blood and clean blood or oxygen-rich. However, in patients with leaky heart will leak in cardiac septum resulting in mixing of blood and blood containing carbon dioxide containing okasigen sehinggal it is this which makes the heart does not function normally.

The symptoms that occur in people with leaky heart namely:

1. Easily tired

2. Frequent coughing especially at night

3. Blown

4. Pain in the chest

5. Frequent chest pounding

6. Frequent urination

7. Easy dizziness

8. Often unconscious

Treatment of patients with heart disease can be done with drug therapy. In fetuses that have been leaked in the diagnosis of heart disease treatment can not be done, a new baby can be given treatment if treatment is 3 months old with all due consideration. Pregnant women are strongly encouraged to eat nutritious foods, nutrition deficiency in pregnant women will result in the formation of the fetal heart imperfections.

Pregnancy With Heart Disease

Pregnancy With Heart DiseasePregnancy with heart disease- Pregnancy is a condition that is very in desire by everyone. Perfection of a woman would look if he had been pregnant and become a mother. In this article I will discuss the pregnancy with heart disease.

Pregnancy with heart disease echocardiography should be done to determine the type of heart disease and cardiovascular disease are the class of. Pregnancy with heart disease greatly endanger the safety of the mother and fetus. There are several levels of heart disease itself. In fact there are some women who suffer from severe heart defects that are prohibited for example pregnant women with myocardial infarction.

In America, 1-4% of women suffer from pregnancy with heart disease who had not previously known by the sufferer. While in Indonesia there is no separate record of how many pregnant women with heart disease. Under normal conditions, the heart of pregnant women will work harder. In the event of a pregnancy, the whole organ will change.

During pregnancy, the blood volume will increase by approximately 40%. This is a result of increased levels of the hormone estrogen, especially at 30 weeks gestation. This situation forces the heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body. If a pregnant woman suffered a heart gagguan rheumatic heart disease or heart failure, the blood supply to the brain and the kidney will be reduced. If this is the case then the kidneys will work harder to meet the needs blood for oxygen, if this is the case then it will swell and if the kidneys are not often addressed it can cause death to the mother.

pregnant women with heart disease should receive more attention from the intensive cardiac specialists and can also be given medicines that are safe for the fetus. If the mother's condition improves, then the pregnancy can be maintained up to 37-40 weeks, but sometimes the pregnancy should be terminated at the age of 32 weeks.

Childbirth pregnancy with heart disease should receive special attention, because the blood flow to the heart veins occur when the uterus to contract. Expenditure of blood from the heart to increase by 20%, and therefore labor in heart patients need to be handled by an obstetrician, pediatrician, anesthetist physician and cardiologist. It aims to minimize the possible risks such as maternal and fetal mortality


Heart- Human beings are homo sapiens are equipped with a variety of high ability. In biology, humans are usually studied as one of a variety of species on Earth. Humans as social beings by other human beings depend and have a lot of needs. Human body consists of various organs that support the human life cycle, one of the organs that really support the human life is the heart.

Heart is in Latin, COR is a hollow, muscular organ cavity which pumps blood through the blood vessels by repeated rhythmic contractions. The term cardiac means relating to the heart, from the Greek word for heart cardia. The heart is one organ that plays a role in the human circulatory system. Human heart located on the left chest cavity and close to the lungs.

The weight of 300 grams and a heart like a fist. The heart is almost completely enveloped by the lungs, but enclosed by a double membrane called the pericardium is attached to the diaphragm. Heart organ has several blood vessels that protects the heart. The main task of his own heart is to pump blood throughout our bodies. Each porch and booths at the heart of each hemisphere connected by a valve. Valve between the right atrium and right ventricle is called the valve or valves leafy trikuspidalis three. While the valve is between the left atrium and left ventricle is called mitralis valve or bicuspid valve which leaves two valves.

As has been explained above that the work of the heart is pumping blood to all parts of the body, but in detail the workings of the heart that the time beating each chamber and blood-filled heart relaxes (called diastole). Subsequently the heart contracts and pumps blood out of. chamber of the heart (called systole). Both porches sag and contracting simultaneously, and the two chambers also loosens and contracts simultaneously. Oxygen-rich blood to flow in the pulmonary veins to the left atrium. Blood circulation in the right side of the heart, the lungs and the left atrium called the pulmonary circulation because the blood flow to the lungs. Blood in the left atrium to the left ventricle will be encouraged through the bicuspid valve / mitral, which in turn will pump clean blood is passing through the aortic valve into the aorta (the largest artery in the body). This oxygen-rich blood is circulated throughout the body, except the lungs.

Because the role of the heart is a very important, and therefore we need to keep and care tips to keep your heart kita.Untuk heart we shall discuss in the next article.