Monday, August 26, 2013

Diet Heart Disease

Diet Heart Disease
Diet heart disease| As we have discussed in previous articles that heart disease is strongly influenced by lifestyle and diet. In this article will discuss about the diet heart disease. The purpose of the diet heart disease is to eat foods without aggravate the heart. The following are some of the diet that should be applied in patients with heart disease.

1. Consuming low-fat protein.

Some types of fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can lower blood fats called triglycerides. You will find omega-3 fatty acids in salmon, mackerel, and herring. Other sources are flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans and canola oil. Besides heart patients can also consume nuts instead of meat, beans are low-fat source of protein.

2. Consuming whole grains

Grains (rice, wheat, oatmeal) is a source of fiber and other nutrients that play a role in regulating blood pressure and heart health.

3. Limiting consumption of foods high in fat and cholesterol

High blood levels of cholesterol can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries is called atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis), which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. You can reduce the amount of saturated fat in the diet to reduce fat consumption from meat or choosing lean meats. You also can use low-fat substitutes for a heart-healthy diet. For example, by adding butter on toast instead of margarine.
Polyunsaturated fats are found in nuts and seeds are also a good choice for a healthy heart diet. Monounsaturated fats and doubles can help lower blood cholesterol total. But still limit its use for all types of high fat calories.

4. Eating vegetables and fruits

Eat more fruits and vegetables can help reduce high-fat foods, such as meat, cheese, and snacks. Vegetables and fruits are important sources of vitamins and minerals, low in calories and rich in fiber. Vegetables and fruits also contain substances that can help prevent heart disease.

5. Eat in small portions

Heart patients should consume foods in small portions, because the portions that are too large can aggravate the heart.

6. Reduce salt intake

If you are lovers of salty food, it should be reduced because foods that contain a lot of salt can increase blood pressure and lead to death.

7. Quitting smoking

Smoking is a dangerous substance in the body, smoking can exacerbate cardiac work. Thus the heart patients is not recommended to smoke.

Start this diet from now, dear heart, and life as a single organ of the body is the source of human life. Hopefully this article can be useful for the reader.

Healing Heart Disease

Healing heart disease| As we have discussed in previous articles that heart disease can kill you slowly or may even kill you just by the way stopped beating. In this article I will discuss about the cure of heart disease.

Healing Heart Disease
There are several ways that need to be done to cure heart disease each year are always casualties.

These methods include:

1. Eating foods that are recommended

For some of you this is a tough thing to go through, because it could be that a taboo is your favorite food. For women heart disease can begin the healing of the stomach, which does not consume high fat foods.

2. Changes in lifestyle

The pattern of life is a routine or daily activities we used to do. Sometimes these routines make or cause your heart to ache. A lifestyle that can be changed is by way stop smoking, because smoking will aggravate your heart work.

3. Trimming carbohydrate intake.

Body fat does not mean everything is filled with fat. How the intake of carbohydrates you consume, if you are constantly consuming high amounts of carbohydrates, the carbohydrates in the body as fat alan buried.

4. Avoid excessive sugar consumption

Heart disease is not only caused by the presence of excess fat in the body but is also caused by a complication of a disease such as diabetes mellitus. Sugar content can be found in every food we eat, it is necessary to note that you should be eating what we eat. The simplest form of sugar is glucose present in the blood and is the main combustion.

5. regular exercise

The last healing heart disease is to exercise regularly.

How To Cure Heart Disease

How To Cure Heart DiseaseHow to cure heart disease| As we have discussed in previous articles that heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the world. Many people spend a lot of money to recover from this deadly disease. In this article I will discuss about how to treat heart disease, both modern and natural. Heart disease itself has many types which include rheumatic heart disease and congenital heart disease. First we will discuss about how to treat heart disease naturally.

Before we treat heart disease, first we have to do is know in advance what the cause of the heart disease.

Generally treat heart disease naturally namely:

1. Eating nuts 250 g per day would increase the levels of good cholesterol and can reduce inflammation, nuts can be heart healthy because it has omega 3 fatty acids, high in protein and fiber.

2. Road 30 minutes every day can lower your risk of heart disease 30%, blood pressure did recognize that achieving 115/75, regular exercise, reduce fat in the stomach because it will cover the vital organs when blood pressure decreases abdominal fat is needed to decrease drastically .

3. Consuming fruit

As we know that the fruit contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. With frequent consumption of fruit it will prevent heart disease. In the fruit, there are substances that make our heart healthy.

4. Quitting smoking

Maybe right words No Smoking, as seen from any theory that cigarettes harm themselves and the environment. If you smoke then it will aggravate the heart and can inhibit blood circulation throughout the body.

That's the way to treat heart disease naturally without spending any money, you have to do is change your lifestyle and diet. How to treat modern medicine??? Let's continue the discussion on the modern treatment of heart disease.

1. Treating heart disease with the exact modern drug therapy. You can take drugs that can treat heart disease on a regular basis.

2. Doing surgery is probably the last option if indeed suffered heart disease has reached a severe stage. By doing operations costs must also comply, may be draining your pocket, but what does it mean a lot of money if sickly body.

Recognize the signs of heart disease and immediately treat, prevention is better than cure before the disease kills you.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Characteristics Of Heart Disease

The Characteristics Of Heart DiseaseThe characteristics of heart disease| Heart disease is one disease that we need to watch out because a lot of people who are suddenly exposed to the disease. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in Indonesia even in the world. The heart is a vital organ that must be maintained and cared for, as if the organ is damaged then we will have had its day. On the data in the WHO (World Health Organization) stated that approximately 3,000 Americans living with the disease.
At the American Heart Association (AHA) in 2004 said 5.2 million people there have heart failure.

In this article will discuss the characteristics of heart disease are:

1. Pain or pain in the chest

The characteristics of the first heart disease is when you are experiencing pain or pain in the chest. Experienced chest pain usually is not unusual, but the pain from the chest to the back, neck, and jaw, especially with blurry eyes, dizziness, and vomiting can be a sign like someone having a heart attack. Chest pain would not be felt if it was taking a break, but relapse when back at work.

2. Feel anxious and tense

Many believe, heart attacks culminated in trauma. As a result, those who have had heart attacks more often experience stress, fear, or anxiety about death. It is associated with psychological anxiety and stress which causes more frequent attacks.

3. Frequent headaches

You often feel severe headaches, especially when it happens twice in a month then the need to be vigilant because this is one of the traits of heart disease. In women who experience frequent migraine or visual disturbances, at least two times a month, need to be vigilant. This could be a symptom of cardiac disease progression. According to a study published by the American Academy of Neurology. According to researchers, this occurs because the blood circulation irregularities that cause severe headaches.

4. Cold perspiration

Other early symptoms with a heart condition in a cold sweat with shortness of breath and panting. You'll Feel discomfort in the chest area. Heart disease can affect anyone. Keep a healthy lifestyle, with the consumption of healthy food and exercise can prevent you from early symptoms of heart.

5. Irregular heartbeat

If you experience irregular heartbeat, is inappropriate because the watch can cause fatal. irregular heartbeats usually last because there is thickening of the muscle in the heart valves. The lead lasted about a narrowing of the valve to cause a leak.

6. Shortness of breath

The characteristics of the final heart disease is shortness of breath. Shortness of breath usually results from the swelling of the blood vessels thereby blocking the blood supply to the entire body. Shortness of breath is usually the case when we're emotional.

So first article discussion of the characteristics of heart disease, wait for the next articles. May be useful for all readers.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Fruit Benefits For Heart Health

Fruit Benefits For Heart Health

 Fruit benefits for heart health- In previous articles have discussed article about tips for heart health. Heart disease caused by the increase of LDL and high blood pressure, heart disease commonly experienced by people who are elderly.

In the modern era like now heart disease is no longer of age, young children and even toddlers can be affected by this heart disease. In the previous article explained that the tips on maintaining a healthy heart diet is to maintain and often consume fruit. In this article will discuss the health benefits of fruit for the heart.

Fruits include:

1. Bananas

Who does not know bananas, from the low to the high class economy may never eat the fruit. In Japan alone the state fruit is one of the favorites. Did you know that bananas can prevent heart disease, because bananas contain magnesium and potassium which can reduce hypertension.

2. Grapefruit

The next fruit that can prevent heart disease namely grapefruit. Grapefruit contains vitamin C, potassium, calcium and flavonoids. Calcium is also useful to reduce blood pressure.

3. Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit contains vitamin C and E, fiber and magnesium. Vitamin E functions as an anti-oxidant that serve to reduce the level of bad cholesterol aka LDL oxidation.

4. Apple

This fruit is usually widely grown cold in the city of Malang in East Java, who does not know Malang apples ... surely all know. Flavonoid content in apples is useful in improving the content of flavonoids in apples useful in improving cardiovascular health by reducing the adhesion of platelets in the arteries, lower cholesterol and dilate the arteries. heart health by reducing the adhesion of platelets in the arteries, lower cholesterol and dilate the arteries.

Fruit Benefits For Heart Health5. Strawberry and blue berry fruit

The last fruit that can prevent heart disease is the strawberry and blue berry fruit. Various berry fruit contains vitamin C, folic acid, fiber and manganese and potassium.

That was some kind of fruit yang.dapat prevent heart disease, but only by eating the fruit alone is not enough help, lifestyle or life style also greatly affect this disease.

Heart Muscle Disease

Heart Muscle Disease 
Heart muscle disease- Heart organ is an organ in the human body often have problems or disorders. This causes the heart can not work optimally and as it should be. If cardiac trouble then the other organs will also have problems. In this article will discuss heart disease.
Cardiomyopathy or heart muscle disease has three types: hipertrofil cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy and restrictive cardiomyopathy. Abnormalities in the heart muscle are most often found in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy bleary-eyed.

Dilated heart muscle disease is a condition in which the heart muscle condition that the normal original turn into corrupted causing weakness of the walls of blood vessels in the heart chamber. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which is a genetic disorder in which there is excessive growth of cells in the heart muscle within the heart chambers. This situation led to the occurrence of arrhythmias of the heart.

Rekstriktif cardiomyopathy is a disorder of the heart muscle that rarely happens. Rektriktif heart muscle disease is a state of the heart muscle is infiltrated and made ​​rigid by abnormal cells, protein and tissue slice.

Cause of the number of patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy is caused by high alcohol consumption. Alcohol merupkan toxic to the heart muscle, and can directly damage heart cells.
yopathy is a disorder of the heart muscle that causes weakening of the heart muscle is unable to pump blood anymore. If the heart is no longer able to pump blood to meet the body's needs, there will be a condition of heart failure. There are sources that state that cardiopathy or heart muscle disease can be reduced, that is, if the parents have this heart defect then it is possible to decrease the child.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Type Of Heart Disease

Type Of Heart Disease

Type of heart disease- Heart disease is a disease that refers to disorders of the heart and blood vessel abnormalities in the system. In this article will discuss the types of heart disease. Type many kinds of heart disease and it is possible if the sufferer can suffer more than one type of heart disease.

Types of heart disease include:

1. Congenital heart disease.

Congenital heart disease is a disorder of the heart that occurs at birth. This heart defect can be leakage of the heart and the hole in the heart organ.

2. Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease occurs due to the accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall which causes blockage of blood flow and that will lead to the heart. Usually people with coronary heart will feel chest pain that radiates to the left arm to the neck.

3. Rheumatic heart disease.
Rheumatic heart disease is caused by streptococcus bacteria that cause damage to the heart valves by rheumatic fever.

4. Pericarditis

Pericarditis can be defined as an inflammation of the heart. This inflammation can occur because of two things namely the presence of viral infections and radiation therapy in patients with breast cancer. The disease is characterized by symptoms of shortness of breath and fatigue because the heart organ is not normal anymore.

5. Arrhythmia

Arrhythmias are abnormalities in heart rhythm. Heart rhythm could be faster, slower or even irregular. Arrhythmias occur due to blockage of blood vessels and the lack of calcium in the body.
6. Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy can be interpreted as an abnormality of the heart muscle. As a result of this disorder so the heart can not pump blood to swell up throughout the body.

Actually there are many other types of heart disease. But that Palin often happens is kind of heart disease that has been described above. Keep your diet and your lifestyle so that spared from heart disease.